Testosterone Therapy for Women
To most people, testosterone is strictly a male hormone. Although it is classified as an androgen it is just as important for women as it is for men. Women simply need less of it. Testosterone is largely responsible for the energy and motivation you once felt in your young adult life. It increases sex drive, helps build muscle, and even keeps your energy levels high. Unfortunately, with age comes the decline of testosterone for both men and women.

Common Symptoms of Low-T in Women
Weight Gain
Low Sex Drive
Muscle Weakness
Dry Skin
Muscle Loss

The Benefits of Testosterone Therapy for Women
Estrogen Replacement Therapy
Estrogen is the hormone uniquely responsible for sexual and reproductive development in women. Along with progesterone, it is one of the most important hormones in the female body. These hormones impact a woman’s reproductive system, the skeletal structure, and even the liver and heart. All females are susceptible to low estrogen. As women move closer to menopause, however, estrogen levels acutely decrease resulting in a wide range of bothersome symptoms as well as aging. At SDBody we treat pre-menopausal, peri-menopausal, and post-menopausal women.

Common Symptoms of Low Estrogen
Vaginal Dryness
Sleep Disorders
Memory Loss
Hot Flashes
Night Sweats
Mood Swings
Painful Intercourse
Low Sex Drive
Yeast Infections

Treatment for Low Estrogen
If you are currently experiencing any of the symptoms associated with low estrogen, you may benefit from hormonal treatment. With estrogen hormone replacement therapy not only will you likely feel better, but many of your symptoms should subside. Some of the other benefits estrogen does for your body includes lowering your risk of heart attack, prevention of osteoporosis, and protection of your brain from degenerative conditions like dementia.
SDBody individualizes each treatment based on your individual needs. Our estrogen-based therapies can be administered via pills, injections, and pellets.
Progesterone Replacement Therapy
Progesterone is a sex hormone involved in many processes throughout the body. One of the main purposes for progesterone is to act as a moderator for estrogen. It does so by controlling and balancing the actions of estrogen as well as ensuring healthy cell growth. A decline in progesterone is usually a result of aging and can have many negative effects on a woman’s health.

Common Symptoms of Low Progesterone
Mood Swings
Sleep Deprivation
Pain & Inflammation
Heavy Menstruation Cycle
Weight Gain
Decreased Sex Drive

What are the Treatment Options for Low Progesterone?
Most women can benefit from bioidentical progesterone replacement. Some of the many benefits of this therapy include protecting your brain from decline, reducing anxiety, acting as an anti-inflammatory, and even cuts food cravings. In almost all cases, we recommend combining estrogen and progesterone to achieve a balance.
Through the use of bio-identical hormones, women can experience a decrease in the symptoms linked with low progesterone. It is administered orally in the form of a pill. Once we have determined you have a deficiency in progesterone, we simply call in the prescription.
Sermorelin for Human Growth
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is necessary for growth and development during childhood and for maintenance of the metabolic system during adulthood. Produced by the pituitary gland, it allows for new cell growth and repair throughout various tissues in the body. More primarily, HGH assists in skin elasticity, energy, and boosting the immune system. Like everything else, HGH production declines with age. The result of this decline is the inability to generate new cell growth which in turn leads to aging, poor growth, and a risk of illness.

Common Symptoms of Low GH in Women
Weight Gain
Memory Loss
Mood Changes
Low Sex Drive
Skin Changes

Is Sermorelin Right for You?
Sermorelin Acetate is a bioidentical Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) that is used to encourage your own HGH production.
Using Sermorelin greatly improves symptoms associated with low GH levels and even acts as an anti-aging solution. Many people who undergo Sermorelin treatment have reported faster metabolism resulting in decreased body fat, as well as better sleep, sharper mental acuity, increased sex drive and more.
At SDBody, we are able to provide patients with access to Sermorelin Acetate to help relieve their symptoms. Our office uses Sermorelin injections for faster results. Throughout your therapy, we closely monitor your blood work ensuring that the treatment is effective.