Testosterone Replacement for Men
Testosterone is the male sex hormone responsible for reproductive development. It is the essential life source for the male body. After the age of 30, it is common for men to start experiencing a gradual decline in testosterone. Although a decrease in testosterone levels is normal, for some it can occur at an unusually fast rate. When testosterone levels dip, the male body is not going to function at an optimal level. The result is a decrease in sex drive, fatigue, muscle loss, and many other symptoms.
Common Symptoms of Low Testosterone
Muscle Loss
Sleep Apnea
Erectile Dysfunction
Hot Flashes
Low Sex Drive
Weight Gain
What Can You Do About Low T?
If any of the symptoms sound all too familiar, we can help. At SDBody, a simple medical exam can diagnose whether or not you require more testosterone. Treatment through our medically supervised testosterone therapy can vastly improve the symptoms you may have been experiencing as a result of low T. Our hormone treatment options include injectables, pellets, and creams. We match you up with the therapy option that is best for you, ensuring that you also receive the proper care in conjunction.
Testosterone is a regulating hormone. With supplemental testosterone, you will see tremendous improvement within 1 to 2 weeks. If done correctly, there are no side effects. You will feel good while also knowing that our treatment is easy, safe, and effective.

Sermorelin for Human Growth
The human growth hormone (GH) promotes healthy cell growth and repair all throughout the body. More specifically, the human growth hormone can assist in the production of collagen, increase muscle mass and bone growth, and reduce the amount of body fat found in healthy older adults. During childhood and adolescence, the pituitary gland produces large quantities of growth hormone to promote development. As people age, GH production of declines. When a person’s body loses the ability to generate new cells, they start to age.
Common Symptoms of Low GH
Muscle Loss
Weight Gain
Memory Loss
Erectile Dysfunction
Low Sex Drive
Is Sermorelin Right for You?
Sermorelin Acetate is a bioidentical synthetic Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH), a naturally occurring substance that stimulates production and release of GH in the pituitary gland. It can significantly relieve any of the symptoms associated with the unbalanced levels of GH. It also acts as an anti-aging solution. Many people undergoing Sermorelin therapy report better sleep, stronger immune system, decreased body fat, improved moods and more.
SDBody provides patients with access to this safe and efficient GH treatment method. Our office uses Sermorelin Acetate injections to provide patients with an effective treatment for their symptoms. We monitor GH levels closely through regular lab testing, which guarantees effectiveness.

DHEA Replacement for Men
DHEA is an abundant hormone that is naturally produced in the adrenal gland. Without it, the body is unable to create other necessary hormones like testosterone and estrogen. Also, it has the ability to keep your hormones functioning and balanced.
Natural levels of DHEA commonly peak during adulthood and slowly decline with age. Due to the advancements in the medical world, a synthetic version has been made available to help patients with irregular DHEA levels. This version of DHEA is recognized as an anti-aging therapy that also helps fight illness and improve physical performance.
Common Symptoms of Low DHEA
Weight Gain
Muscle Loss
Low Sex Drive
Difficulty Sleeping
Memory Loss
Treatment for DHEA Deficiency
As people age, they are unable to produce enough DHEA. Stress is also a common factor in the decrease DHEA production. Balancing DHEA allows for you to stay healthy, live longer, and age better. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms above, DHEA therapy may be an option. SDBody offers DHEA hormone replacement in both pill form and creams. Throughout your treatment with us, you will be provided with proper dosage and quality care. Our team will be supporting you every step of the way, answering your questions and providing you with all the information you need.

Thyroid Hormone Replacement
The thyroid gland is a vital organ that is part of your endocrine system and is located at the base of your neck. It exists to help release hormones that your body needs to control vital bodily functions, which include breathing, body weight, temperature and much more. Healthy thyroid function is also crucial to balance out your other hormones. Low thyroid function usually goes hand in hand with the imbalances of other hormones in your body. As a result, low thyroid symptoms will often overlap with other hormone imbalances. Proper diagnosis and treatment of both your hormones and thyroid are required to be on the right track to good health.
Common Symptoms of Low Thyroid Hormones
Hair Loss
Weight Gain
Difficulty Sleeping
What are Low Thyroid Treatment Options?
T3 and T4 are two hormones produced by the thyroid gland. These thyroid hormones are in charge of your body’s metabolism. Without these hormones, your metabolism slows down. This can be serious, mainly because the metabolic rate is in charge of the important processes in your body -- how quickly your food goes down, how fast your heart beats, and even how fast you think. One of the reasons thyroid levels decline is attributed to age. The thyroid and pituitary start to slow down and can no longer function as they used to.
Thyroid hormone replacement therapy is a way to combat the effects credited to the drop in thyroid function. SDBody specializes in thyroid therapy, prescribing patients with a daily dosage of pills to control the symptoms. Using bioidentical thyroid that contains T3 and T4, we help get your thyroid levels to the proper ranges, resulting in a healthier you.